
The Habibia Soofie Darbaar Springfield was established in the year 1906 and has served as a beacon of love, mercy and hope to the blessed ummah of Rasoolallah SAW. Our objectives are to propagate the Deen of Islam and to Serve humanity.

We have been serving the community at large for over a century by the mercy of Allah SWT. Our activities include a musjid with the capacity of 800 people, a ladies Jammat Khanna, Madressah, a Hafez Academy, Dawah Dynamics, Daily Feeding, Weekly feeding on Yaumal – Jummuah, Monthly Grocery Hampers, Social Welfare, Bursaries, Free Kafan and Burial, Amongst the many activities of our humble intuition which includes: Ramadan ifthaar, supper, 3000 Zakah Hampers distribution.

Our institution has hosted many important dignitaries which includes the legendary former president of SOUTH Africa MR NELSON MANDELA .